curiosity is the gateway to
now offering self-discovery guidance and holistic tutoring
I’m so glad you’re here—not just on this website, but here on Earth, having a human experience of your own, blazing your own journey.
I don't believe in coincidences. You're here for a reason.
Whether you’re seeking holistic tutoring for your child or self-discovery guidance for yourself, I believe in the innate ability of every person to learn, grow, and connect. Regardless of the journey you're on, curiosity is the spark that guides us to discovery—it leads us back to our most authentic selves, fuels our motivation to learn, and helps us realize our fullest potential while recognizing the magic within us and all around us.

A Guided Journal to Discover yourself
dive deep came from the deepest part of myself. When I set out on the journey of creating this guided journal, my intention wasn’t just to create a journal, but to create an experience—one that leads people to the deepest parts of themselves. Not to look for all the shadowy parts, but to discover the magical ones to bring them to the surface.
That same intention inspired The Brightly Colored Whale. The whale symbolizes depth, wisdom, and discovery. And when you bring yourself—your wisdom and your deepest magic—to the surface, you move through the world brightly colored.